Last night Boomer and I went to the Ron Finch Movie premiere "That's all you get". It was a great night. Tons of people came out to see the movie, so many that they sold out and people were standing in the back of theater to see the movie. I got a few shots while I was there, not my best work but you get the idea of what was happening last night. I got a few pictures of Boomer with Ron and Ron's wife Ruth Finch. The movie was awesome and we have it for sale at the shop. If you want a copy stop by the Bike Shop, or call us if you over seas we can send it to ya!
Sunday we set out to a freands house named Geary. He wanted to see a few bikes and we couldnt get there fast enought. We only had room on the trailers for two bikes. So I had to ride the panhead back to the shop (dont cry for me) lol. If you are board this week, stop by the shop and check them all out
Well over the weekend my uncles buddy "spoon" came by the shop. Spoon always has something for sale and today was no different. Only thing was, it wasn't his stuff for sale. He had some old "friends" that were getting out of the swap meet business. So my uncle, my aunt Sandy, and our buddy mike went out to check it out. These guys had enough stuff to fill the back of the van!! Boomer was nice enough to stop and take a few pictures for us. Enjoy.
Had a fun day down in Detroit. It was good to see the city up and running even with how bad we get painted in the news. Here's just a few cool cars and bikes that were there. Enjoy!
You just never know were you will find a old panhead. Today we found this beauty less then 4 miles from the shop. 8-ball, an old biker, called and asked if we wanted to buy his pan. Well Boomers been after it for years, so we ran out the door. This chopper started its life back in 69' and was finished in 73' down in DaytonA Beach. 8-ball had worked on this beauty, making almost everything by his own hands. Pontiac Motors was nice enough to chrome most of the parts on the bike, and as 8-ball put it "its the worlds best chrome". Gotta love the big 3, I think they have been helping build choppers for years. 8-ball loved this bike and it was very cool he gave us the opportunity to own it. I can already see Boomer riding down Dixie, jamming gears, and me buging him to ride it.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Going though some old photo's and found one of grandpa.